All study materials based on the latest American Heart Association guidelines are included, you have choice to read it online or print it. We also include a skills test sheet (optional).
The test is multiple-choice format and covers patient scenarios and general course knowledge. The test has no time limit and there's no hassle of working around a classroom schedule.
You will receive your provider eCard after passing the online exam. If requested, we send a printed copy of your certificate the next day after you pass your exam.
There are some obvious and not so obvious indications as to when a full certification is required and when recertification is permissible.
The most obvious indication that full certification is required is when one has never been certified before. However, there are times when full certification is required even if one has been certified in the past.
Full certification may be required in the instance that your certification has been expired for more than 30 days. Get ACLS license renewal.
Full certification may also be a good idea if you think you need more than just a refresher course.Also, get online ACLS renewal.
Regardless of your choice of _ACLS online recertification, ACLS license renewal_ or full certification, you may also take a live skills test. In fact, EMS professionals are required to take a skills test.
Finally, if you took your last ACLS course before Aug 18, 2020, you will take a full certification course.
No, our classes are 100% online and no skill test is necessary to receive your PALS, BLS or ACLS certificate.
Shipping is included in the purchase of your course. Rush ACLS offers free Federal Express shipping for all of our customers.
Please email us at We make every effort to respond to all inquiries within 1 business day (24 hours).
No, the AHA does not certify our classes. We do, however, have a 99% acceptance rate, nationally and internationally. Contact the organization that you are applying for to see if they require an AHA certification.